
Simple, Free, Islamic Match-Making

"Women (in matrimony) are the garment of men, and men (as husbands) are the garment of women ...", the Holy Qur'an

Nikah ... for Life

We live at a time when the institution of marriage is eroding, with serious long-term consequences. This web-site is a resource for individuals looking to get married, and for family elders and friends interested in helping. All information is strictly private, and you select how much or how little you decide to share. There are no fees of any kind. Using a personality-based approach and personalized questions, this simple-to-use site helps you identify and reach out to potential matches.

"If someone with whose piety and character you are satisfied with comes to you, marry to him. If you do not do so, there will be trials ... and mischief on the earth", Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him.

"A woman is married for four reasons: for her wealth, for her fame, for her beauty and for her deen. So marry one for her deen and you will win", Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him.

"O young men, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and guarding chastity...", Prophet Muhammad, may Allah be pleased with him.

How It Works